Had my first shot., page-69

  1. 7,902 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    “I've no idea if that's merely psychological - it may well be that the physiology has learned the trick”
    chicken or the egg?
    Can the psychological override without the physiological change? Controlling breathing patterns enables us an avenue for psychological and physiological self regulation. A study was done in the US on a girl around 2006 who suffered from Urbach-Wiethe disease. By the age of 10 it had spread to her brain and left most of it unharmed but destroyed her amygdalae. She retained all of her senses IQ memory perception but slowly her sense of fear disappeared . Worry , stress ,anxiety all disappeared with the amaygdalae.
    Researchers had studied her for 20 yrs trying to understand her condition and basically trying to scare her. They finally set up an experiment in the Iowa hospital where they fitted her with a face mask connected to an inhaler bag that contained 35% CO2 . For the first time in 30 yrs she felt fear and had a full blown panic attack. There had been some dormant switch , probably in the reptilian part of the brain that engaged. A single inhalation on CO2 , despite no life threatening consequences triggered something she hadn’t felt most of her life . The experiment was replicated in a couple of dozen other sufferers. It certainly wasn’t a psychological reaction.
    I’ve been working on CO2 levels and sensitivities most of this year and their relationship with psychological and physiological disorders. So far I would say that O2 ,CO2 ,PH,biocarbonate ion and hydrogen ion levels are both a cause and a symptom. But , through different breath patterns , cadence and controlled breath holds we are able to manipulate physiological change thus manage and control the psychological
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