alternatives to current politics

  1. 46,448 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642

    the New Democracy Foundation is a non-partisan org which has been a part of the changing system of politics for over a decade.

    they had managed to develop "Citizens Jury" trials in NSW and SA in recent years.

    its worth a close read people.

    my view, as most would now know, is to install increasing numbers of Independent candidates to the extent that independents outnumber political parties in Parliament House. my reasoning is that
    • current political system has not delivered on voter/electorate representation - we are seen merely as people needing pacifying to keep us voting for parties who don't represent our interests but represent the Party to the electorate.... just like any other company salespeople.
    • Independents can be assessed to decide greater representation and consultation because they don't have to defend their dysfunctional party members,
    • independents, when their numbers exceed those party members, will be very likely to hold panels and forums to develop new methods of forming Government..... possibly a loose alliance of Independents
    • the overall impact will be to send a massive message to parties to be more presentative of the electorates

    the single most important part of the reasoning is that our current system is failing as we get leaders in all parties who are retail politicians and BS artists. if you, reader, still want party representation there should be no bar on anyone voting for a party..... but the push is now seriously on and this can only improve our representation and accountability of MPs.

    if no change to increased independents occurs we are likely to have a Lab Govt next year. this will only reinforce the duopoly of absurd swings in national policies and result in a swing back to Libs eventually.

    we can't continue with this nonsense. Independents are much more likely to be centrist rather than "communists" or other extremists.
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