Morrison Government FAILURE........ A Never Ending Story

  1. 21,470 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 425
    It is becoming worse... far worse than anyone could have imagined.

    Testing for Covid is a shambles... lack of supply.... lack of Government action ... lack of Direction for the General Public and Lack of Federal Government Communication.

    With what excuses are we going to bombarded ?

    What Excuses will be forthcoming from this inept and untrustworthy Government?

    I know that anecdotal stories are not verifiable evidence, but I offer this one, simply to provide an example of gross Government Inefficiency.

    *Our second grand daughter and her fiancee visited His Parents in Northern NSW, last week, from QLD...OK driving from QLD to NSW ---CANT get back!

    After days of trying to get the mandatory Test...failure at every turn, they eventually were directed to a waiting station (testing) --- 11 Hours later, lined up "waiting", they were tested and given the OK to return to QLD.

    What makes this even MORE bizarre -- Both these young people are Regular Armed Forces ---Both stationed in Brisbane.... Bit like Hospital Staff (Doctors and Nurses)

    How is Morrison, and his State counterparts going to deal with the obvious Hospital Crisis as it deepens and becomes "nightmarish" for those who may need Urgent, Emergency treatment?

    Inept and untrustworthy....Morrison and his cabinet of Cronies have much to answer for.

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