33 fully vaccinated !DEAD!..."pandemic of the unvaccinated", page-119

  1. 5,207 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2314
    your wasting your time with tangs... he has convinced himself that the governments know best, he has lined up and committed to 1,2,3 jabs with endless boosters in site... doesn't matter how much proof you give the likes of his type that the vaccines don't work and are proven to be dangerous, they will put their head in the sand because they have been subject to the big lie...

    I still don't get how common sense has gone from the people ...

    here is some basic facts..

    Alpha was the initial "man made" virus that initially was the most deadly, seemingly has vanished... understand even our own leaders admit it was made in a lab, so if this is 100% fact, what was the agenda?

    Delta, initially still harmful for the weak, supposedly more contagious... spread faster than Alpha world wide... Vaccines starting to be pumped out and pushed upon those that didn't even want it... no jab no job, no jab cant go out... Delta now is hardly even heard of now...

    Omicron, the least deadliest of all, most contagious, but not classed as deadly... even our own Prime Minister said Omicron wont kill you.... near 80-90% of the population is double jabbed, cases escalated, many in hospital, apparently their are deaths that "died with covid"... also now the young are dying, fully vaxxed, double jabbed... the lies are being exposed world wide, information is now leaking out that the vaccine is dangerous and has its own agenda... now remember that Alpha was man made, so hmmm, surely the agenda is now well in motion... Pfizer set to make hundreds of billions, population set to get sicker, now they want our children, and yes their have been multiple deaths in children from the vaccine... where is the common sense in the people to see they have been set up, they have been lied to... why cant even some of the fools on here that are so pro covid vax see that there is something not right...

    the foolishness of the rules, you can go to a concert, shoulder to shoulder, screaming and singing, foot ball stadiums filled, sporting events... super spreader events... but you cant go to Woolworths without a mask?, how ridiculous ...

    communism, dictatorship, its all happening and the multitudes are letting it happen due to conformity and fear...

    I still don't get how many cant see the bigger picture... A world that has been subject to heavily increased population, stripping the lands of its resources, food shortages that are suppose to hit us hard and fast by 2050 that even first world countries will be in dire straits... leaders admitting the only way to fix the global crisis is to slow population to save our planet... all of a sudden a pandemic that makes people line up to get a poison injected into them, with apparently 7 years of contracts with the likes of Pfizer for boosters ... now even the children are being subject to this poison... I see the future is not good, there will be premature deaths, their will be sterile men, women that no longer can have children, children that will grow to be infertile... the agenda was simple... cull and slow the population before its too late... control the people, make them conform... put fear into them so they will be forever subject to injections... surely even the basic of minds can comprehend what is happening...
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