Scomo on the skids

  1. 61,387 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 312
    It pains me to admit that it seems highly likely that our current PM will get the boot at the next election.

    The reasons can be argued, however, I think it will mainly be that there are too many lame brain (particularly young) voters out there who, like te time KRudd was elected, had never experienced an alternate government.

    Many of these voters will either vote forte fringe dwelling independents or the ALP blaming the Morrison government for the hardships they have suffered thanks to he CCP (virus) !

    There is a lot of frustration throughout Australia due to a once in a lifetime release of the virus from Wuhan which has been a moving feast, testing both Federal and State governments. The nature of the virus has necessitated agile government reactions each time it has sent curve ball in our direction. I expect many will vent their frustrations by a protest vote against the Feds at the coming election and inevitably face the a similar scenario as the country face by electing Rudd.

    Pragmatically speaking, from time to time a change can be healthy, and if Each Way Albo is elected to run the country let's pray he doesn't make similar botch ups like Rudd and Gillard!

    I would like to see clear air given to Scomo who, imo, really has the credentials to become a long term Liberal leader and PM once the hysteria over the CCP virus settles in coming years. IF defeated, I would hope he can make return which will likely be needed to repair the damage caused by the socialist Labor Party !!!

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