33 fully vaccinated !DEAD!..."pandemic of the unvaccinated", page-203

  1. 1,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 132
    Greetings ,

    I am a non conformist and in my line of work i attend peoples homes and i have never ever been asked to show a vacc cert ! My wife is south African and we are seriously considering leaving this mad house that Australia has become and go live there for a few years in the hope that this madness ends . We started looking at this option 3 months ago . To my surprise , The department of home affairs states that any person that is un Jabbed must show just cause why one needs to leave . Examples for leaving include showing proof of work abroad , or family residing in the country you wish to locate to .

    Does this make any sense ? Where is the science behind this ? Are the un Jabbed considered a burden and a big cause of the spread ? Why make it difficult for us to leave than ?

    This is nothing short of harassment and intimidation is it not ? Can anyone believe this ? If u r not jabbed and you want to go to another country wich has no problem with you being un jabbed i have to get permission from our Federal government !!!!

    U guys okay with that ? We are sleep walking right in to dictatorship ! Take the jab and u will be set free. Disgusting !!!!
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