23 fully vaxxed, 5 were triple...!now DEAD!..."pandemic of the unvaxxed", page-22

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    Many old geriatrics dying in Switzerland too. Who would have guessed that?

    1. Key points
    Deaths with COVID-19: A total of 9,200 people have died with coronavirus in Switzerland
    and Liechtenstein (FL) since the beginning of the pandemic (as at: 19.02.2021).
    Of these
    deaths, more than three quarters (7,368) have occurred since early October 2020 (week
    41). More men than women have died with COVID-19 (54% versus 46%). More than 90%
    of all people who have died with COVID-19 were over 70 and the majority of whom suffered from at least one underlying health condition.

     Deaths in care homes: Around half of those who have died with COVID-19 since October
    2020 died in a care home, of whom 41% were men and 59% women. Those who died with
    COVID-19 in care homes were older on average than people who died with COVID-19 in
    hospital. More women than men live in care homes. Before the COVID-19 epidemic (in
    2019), 44% of all deaths occurred in care homes.
     Deaths in intensive care units (ICUs): Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic,
    the COVID-19 Hospital Based Surveillance (CH-SUR: a sample of Swiss hospitals) has
    recorded 10,013 persons admitted to hospital with a laboratory-confirmed and reported
    case of COVID-19 .Of these patients, 1,444 (14%) were treated in intensive care, of whom
    406 (28%) died. The median age of patients who died in ICU was 74. The proportion of
    patients in ICU who died increased with age. Patients aged between 60 and 69 spent the
    longest time in ICU before they died.
     Excess mortality in Switzerland and compared with other countries: The FSO recorded two phases with excess mortality in 2020: in the spring (March/April) and from autumn (end of October). From the second half of October 2020 (week 43), excess mortality
    was recorded again, in particular among those aged 65 or over, and this lasted until January 2021 (week 4). This excess mortality was higher than in other special periods over
    the past ten years (flu seasons, heatwaves). The coding and analysis of causes of death
    in 2020 by the FSO are not yet available. The FOPH therefore only describes deaths related to COVID-19. Over the entire COVID-19 pandemic, Switzerland‘s case fatality rate
    is below the European average.
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