an observation on obesity , page-6

  1. 3,795 Posts.
    Yes , Its the children that really worry me also , little hope for fat dudes my age and beyond unless they really want to make a life style change .

    I tell my daughter ( who is 17 ) , how simply embarassing It would have been to get a lift to school by my mum at 17 , I would have been laughed out of the place . I rode my bike to school , I rode home got my golf clubs and rode to the golf course , I did this all the time from Ages 11 to 17 .. I still ride bikes , but it is more difficult ( with all the cars ) than it was in Beaumaris 30 something years ago . Much the same , Mum had it easy I would just go off , never tell her ..and just reappear , I guess they'd lock me up if I did that now .

    One other thing , one of my investments and my PO box I have kept in a lower Socio ecconomic area . I lived there myself , for 13 years , I had a walking track , played cricket with the kids in the back yard , golf etc etc ..all the people in the street ..may have been ugly , but I can honestly say NO ONE was over weight . When I go to this PO BOX now , I cant help but notice EVERYONE ( pretty much ) is FAT ..How come the big change ? and what example does this set ? as unfortunately these people must just eat rubbish and do little or NO exercise .

    I really think all this is one of our Real problems , as these people are going to soak up scarce Health resources as they Age and get FATTER and Fatter .. Im talking people 15 years younger than me , and Im 48 years .
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