Trump Dumb and Dangerous, page-200

  1. 23,999 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    Still no answer to the orginal question and now you have proved that you have a superiority complex with your higher IQ comments.

    Your question has been answered with election fraud is minimal. Your question was answered with you are blowing voter fraud out of proportion.
    Your question was answered with those that do it get caught.

    2014 saw less fraud cases than 2020.

    Allegations of misconduct[edit]

    Connecticut State Representative Christina Ayala (Democrat) was arrested in September 2014 on 19 voting fraud charges, specifically "eight counts of fraudulent voting, 10 counts of primary or enrollment violations and one count of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence."[37] In September 2015 she pleaded guilty to state election law violations, received a one-year sentence (suspended) along with two years 'conditional discharge', and agreed not to seek elective office for two years. Her mother, Democratic Registrar of Voters Santa Ayala, was also the subject of an investigation in the case, but was not charged.[38]

    California State Senator Roderick Wright (Democrat) resigned from office in September 2014 and was sentenced to 90 days in Los Angeles county jail for perjury and voter fraud.[39] Despite being convicted months earlier for 8 felonies, Wright was allowed to take a paid leave of absence as State Senator.[40]

    In Chicago, election judges said they had received automated phone calls between October–November 3 with apparently false instructions about voting or required training, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. In Pontiac, Michigan, local Democrats cited reports of voter harassment and intimidation by Republicans over questioning legally-cast ballots with election workers repeatedly having had to ask them to step aside. A clerk called police for help.[41]

    New voting restrictions[edit]

    In June 2013, the Supreme Court invalidated part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, permitting nine (mostly Southern) states to change their election laws without advance federal approval.[42] Since 2010, 22 states enacted new voting restrictions.[43] The 2014 federal election was the first federal election where 15 states enacted new voting restrictions, many of which faced challenges in court.[43][44][45]

    Voting machine issues[edit]

    Scattered issues with voting machines occurred, with miscalibrated machines recorded a vote cast for one candidate as a vote for another candidate. They occurred in Virginia,[46] Maryland,[47] Illinois,[48] and North Carolina.[49]

    In Bexar County, Texas, the Republican candidate for governor, Greg Abbott, was accidentally replaced on the ballot by David Dewhurst on one machine, on which 12 votes were cast before the problem was caught.[50]

    I hung my award today, least I know it was deserved for being correct.

    Good for you!
    Voter fraud is minimal.
    I know it's difficult for you to accept.

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