Look at the amount invested into marketing, virtually no increase. You do know that companies in general would twist and aggrandise on their reports? You need to look deeper into the numbers to understand the truth.
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- Ann: 1H22 Results Commentary
Ann: 1H22 Results Commentary, page-50
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(20min delay)
$5.90 |
0.150(2.61%) |
Mkt cap ! $4.271B |
Open | High | Low | Value | Volume |
$5.85 | $5.91 | $5.77 | $7.636M | 1.303M |
Buyers (Bids)
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
9 | 47338 | $5.86 |
Sellers (Offers)
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
$5.90 | 119206 | 9 |
View Market Depth
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
1 | 88 | 5.830 |
1 | 8600 | 5.800 |
1 | 10000 | 5.780 |
1 | 926 | 5.750 |
1 | 118 | 5.730 |
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
5.900 | 18404 | 3 |
5.930 | 200 | 1 |
5.950 | 511 | 2 |
5.970 | 2570 | 3 |
5.980 | 25683 | 5 |
Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ? |
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