Canberra Rally, page-714

  1. 27,770 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3366
    Our CMO Paul kelly, said "the jury is out, HCQ doesnt work". That was the line that woke me up. When i knew otherwise.
    My understanding of that there was after a fraudulent report that was fabricated, and submitted to the lancet medical journal, and referred to a HCQ as dangerous etc. To which the domino of medical regimes then set about banning it. Even in QLD a bill was passed to jail doctors who prescribe it.

    The fraudulent report, was quickly attacked by genuine doctors, and exposed. It was then withdrawn. But the decisions that the CMOs made, remain in place. It was also then given an EUA for in patient use only. Thus making illegal to use in early treatment for out patients.

    Now, normally, in order to get an entry into the Lancet, your work would be peer reviewed. Checks and balances at the highest level. Because it is referred to by lemmings across the world to make some of their decisions.

    But this fraudulent crap, was not peer reviewed. And bypassed the checks and balances. How exactly ?
    Let me add, that the only way all of these EUAs for these experimental jabs can occur, is set out by page 3 of the FDA guidelines for experimental jabs, that there be NO existing alternative treatment available.

    So you want to make 60 billion dollars ? you need to first silence any available treatments.

    The FDA get 50-65% of their funding from big pharma licencing.
    The TGA get most of theirs from same. $160m last year.
    The TGA did not even review the phase 1 trial data for pfizer before issuing provisional approval. They simply relied on what the FDA said. They have a policy of synergy.

    So you have CHO who make their decisions on one fraudulent report presumably without reviewing all the other positive studies of the effectiveness of HCQ as an early treatment. And a TGA that does whatever their leash master at the FDA say. The FDA, and big pharma are revolving doors of top personal directors etc.

    It is corrupt.

    So why would you do all of that ? Not look at the data yourself ? ignore other positive studies effectiveness of treatments ? Ans. Because you are towing the line. And doing what you are told. By something with very big tentacles.
    With an agenda, that requires a dangerous drug be administered on a global scale, and put regimes/ infrastructure in place where to enable the next step.

    In order to have socialist credit score apartheid,
    First build the infrastructure by creating medical apartheid, you first need a fear dominated group, who are indoctrinated and compliant.

    Two years ago, we never had a health passports.
    Look at what they are doing in canada, if you supported the go fund me truckers rally, your bank accounts are frozen etc.
    Well, its not a big leap, to link your "trusted digital identity" just passed by the libs, to your health passport, to every thing you want to buy and sell. And if you are not a test rabbit, your carton of milk will be denied by the overseas server.

    Just who gets to live on this planet ? I guess when they can look at every detail of your digital identity, they can decide when your booster is not a placebo ? or the next plandemic .

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