agw - for thinkers not blind followers, page-31

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    butcherboy, if you had done basic chemistry and physics, then perhaps you might have given more thought to what I had written about regarding the average minimum temperature and how it might relate to the greenhouse effect.
    Instead you got off track.
    I had hoped that you would do some research of your own and check the temperature records of a weather station in your own locality to see what you find, but you haven't, so I'll just tell you what I found.
    Looking at a number of records taken over long periods from stations that are located in rural areas or small towns that have not changed much in 100 years, generally, whilst the average maximum temperatures show long term fluctuations over about a 50 year cycle, and the present temperatures indicate that they are part way through such a cycle where the temperatures have risen, there was nothing remarkable about present day temperatures. There have been hotter years before, back as far as records are available for.
    However I found the records for the average minimum temperatures really interesting. They too seem to follow a long term trend, but not the same trend as the maximum temperatures, at times completely opposed, as maximum temperatures were trending up, minimum temperature were trending down.
    If CO2 was having the effect they say it is, this doesn't make sense, however if the CO2 effect is ignored, and water vapour is what really controls the greenhouse effect, then it is completely logical and consistent with the theory of the greenhouse effect.
    What was even more interesting was that generally the long term trend for the average minimum had it either unchanged or trending consistently downwards with some of the highest average minimum temperatures recorded long ago.
    Before you come back and trying to pull down what I found, go to the BOM site and check what the records indicate for areas close to where you live.
    If they are different to what I found perhaps you can offer some reasons why that might be the case. If on the other hand you find a similar situation for your area perhaps you can provide a rational argument as to why that might be the case given the AGW theory indicates the opposite should be occurring.
    I haven't collected the data, I haven't manipulated the data, it is all there for everyone to read and interpret on the BOM site, and certainly provides something to think about, at least for those so inclined.
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