BOM 0.00% 7.7¢ bondi mining limited

incresed volume, page-8

  1. 492 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi Oz,

    I think it very unlikely there is insider buying as Rick is absolutely on the ball for that stuff. I remember expressing concern about unusual selling activity when we were awaiting results and there was a delay some time ago.

    Wasn't 100% certain whether to believe him and as it turned out, it was Buffalo selling down. Rick was freakin spot-on....and results were good. SP went up from there.

    There will be delays on release of the results as they have to be ok'ed by the Japanese geo's first....Usually takes about 10-14 business days from when Bondi gets the results.

    Good volume and about bloody time.....oops, hope I get away with that.
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