daytrade diaries... december 4, page-14

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Morning all (thanks HLL),

    Unfortunately I've been having massive problems with my puter over the past few days & ended up having to take it to the puter hospital yesterday, so I wasn't able to trade much at all apart from right at the close where I managed to do a quick trade on BCC. On the bright side however my puter is nearly all fixed, and I have a new Netbook and a new network on the way!!! (:

    I will only be around for a part of today, but after the open I will be looking at the following stocks with a view to trading:-

    BAS - I was surprised to see BAS retreat as much as it did yesterday considering it's potential, as I believe there is a move about to happen on this stock. I put this foreseeable move down to the 'Use It or Lose It' policy that the Government has put to the Aussie Oil & Gas tenement holders; so a 5 year extension is quite a valuable thing imo. I wouldn't be surprised if some disgruntled ex-Longtom partner didn't do some DD on this stock & starts to pick some stock up. After doing some DD on BAS myself, it's definitely one to watch imo and I will be looking for a trade in it today!

    BCC - Spud even more imminent (lol) now at Lee County. The sp has held up very well imo and as much as there was a bit of a selldown on it late yesterday afternoon, I also noticed there was strong support entering and a late rally to counterbalance which had the stock finish flat at the end of the day's trade. Volatility is the key ingredient to successful trading imo, and this proved to be case with BCC into the close yesterday. With spud news due any time now the volatility should continue with this stock imo.

    EGO - From a Company that was going to farm out part of its 53% equity in the Gingin West-1 (EP389) well recently, it was very encouraging to read they've now acquired additional equity ie; an additional 15% in this permit taking their total equity up to ~68%. Please note this Project already has proven gas flows. I noticed some very good parcels went through on EGO yesterday (~51m traded) and I think there could very well be a few points in it today imo.

    On the announcement front today:-

    TAM (Tanami Gold) - Continued exploration success at Coyote announcement out this morning stating very high grade intersections. They're starting surface exploration as well as continuing to follow the (underground) gold systems. I have a core holding in this stock and I also try to trade it where possible.

    Ok, have a great Friday all and my quote for today is:-

    "The mind is just like another muscle." ~ Ted Turner ('Use It Or Lose It' ~ TP)

    Cheers, Pie (:
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