is britain on brink of financial armageddon?, page-28

  1. 3,994 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 344
    Couple of small thoughts- the UK has a big debt to GDP ratio but it is also one of the worlds largest foreign investors. It no doubt also has a big OS asset to GDP ratio also. Britain was Australias largest 2 foreign investors from memory, last time I looked.
    Ireland (Republic of) on the other hand has huge debt but little outward foreign investment, but it like the jewish state in Palestine, also has a powerful and supportive lobby in the USA. That is where a lot of the investment has come from lately.

    The talk of Armageddons- the word "Armageddon" comes from har Megiddon - Megiddo is an old fortress site overlooking the plain of Jezreel? which is inland with the sea port of Haifa at its foot - and is reportedly the site of the most military battles of any place on earth, in history.

    It is here the Bible says the hub of the final conflict of this age will center. Huge armies of men are described, from east and west, and south, with descriptions of weaponry that sound very like helicopter gunships and tanks- and well armed jihadists(?)on the other side-vast numbers of them. Most of the population between the Mediterranean coast and the Euphrates in Iraq would be wiped out. The assault forces would be spearheaded by Iran/Persia. The committed and active followers of the "False Prophet". Leave you to guess who that is.
    So if you see anything like that scenario building up before too long, forget about stocks and shares, they wont be worth a brass razoo. Only faith will save then.

    But yes, the fall of the and social, Babylon comes before that. Thats what we are in now. it is not finished yet. Watch the Congress take over the privately owned Fed, with asociated mega banks, the biggest private money racket in history.
    It will all happen very quickly, this conflict, it says, just after we are told there will be world peace at last.

    Just a contribution to a few people who are thinking, as you are, but have not seen the warnings.
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