OCP 0.00% $2.20 oceania capital partners limited

net assets now almost $5 per share, page-5

  1. 1,271 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 90
    OCP has 19.9% in shares of ISF and warrants over another 10 or so % with 20c payable per warrant. Given the decrease in ISF sp, OCP has about $2.40 worth of ISF and about $0.35 of cash per share.

    So if you want to invest in ISF as i did you get signature and baycorp for free, which they valued at $1.29.

    The OCP sp has increased a lot though, previously you got there was over $1 in cash and sp was like $1.50 but it still doesn't reflect NTA and probably won't until they sell some of their assets, signature is probably first up.

    Its still an attractive entry for ISF price wise but liquidity isn't as good for OCP.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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