Why man is seeking the truth? or is it only man who do so?!, page-6

  1. 17,185 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 600

    In my opinion, humans are not seeking to find the truth,,,

    Most of us are working through who we really are so we can be accepted by all the other idiots of society who have no idea who they are,

    I've accepted who I am, I love who I am, and I know who I am,,,,

    Do I like other humans,,, no,

    I choose who I like and who I choose to keep away from,,,

    It serves me well, and I know who I can count on if I need a hand,

    Do I follow religion,,,,no,

    I follow the rightous path I expect and want in my life for my self and others,

    Before the cock crows three times you will dis honour me,
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