Peer Valuation -> >$3, page-54

  1. 253 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 81
    out of curiosity, what % of mc/NPV would FFX be if instead of guesstimating SC6 prices, you were to adjust so that CXO was 90-100% (or whichever company has the highest MC as % of NPV and assume they have it bang on 100%)

    how much upside would that leave and what share price target for lil old FFX. Also I would have assumed the gold was being valued at between 400-600mil to be honest, based on the next year or so output but haven’t run any comparisons per se in that dept.

    still I cannot complain FFX just stormed into my biggest holding % wise in the portfolio and looks to be not slowing down at all

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