Friday the eighth of APRIL …Remark makes his own, page-35

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 600
    DJPT - 181

    Today I had my little fella working with me today shearing,

    You got no idea how proud I am of my 13 year old little fella growing up,

    It was so great to watch this timid, gentle little boy get amongst it once he could read the play,

    This little guy was getting right into helping me, looking for ways to help me,

    When we finished and packed up I said thankyou so much for helping little buddy,

    He said to me that he wants to help me more and then he asked if I could teach him to shear lambs,

    All I could say was yes no worries, we'll have over 100 of them soon, his eyes almost popped out his head,

    Dad I can't shear 100 lambs, I said you don't have to buddy, you shear what ever you can, but just remember that you don't ever quit until you absolutely have nothing left, is that a deal, yes dad,

    So me being funny as ,,,, I said how about I do the first 99 and you can Finnish of the rest ,

    Laughs all round, sure dad,

    I don't know about you guys, but I'm so grateful I have an awesome son, well two of them, Ones a mommas boy and my little buddy can't wait to grow up to be a man,

    I love my little little j, Gees he's bloody righteous, I dont know what they teach him at school, I'm watching him to see what his niche in life will be so I can give him every opportunity he can get,

    Being a parent comes with so much responsibility, wish I was a kid

    Soooooo, how was yous guys day

    Hey zip, you sure that fish was 55, I reckon it was 53.5
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