ATI 0.00% 17.5¢ atlantic limited

ati is the real deal

  1. 902 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    I acknowledge that we have seen some articles that have created seemingly misleading and conflicting information. But lets assess what we know as facts:

    1. Michael Minosora has left FMG as their CFO for ATI where the vast bulk of his remuneration is based on shares being issued to him only when the share price reaches $0.05 and stays there for at least 10 consecutive trading days. Again - why the hell would this guy leave FMG for a 3 cent stock like ATI? It certainly isn't for the cachet!!

    2. Within days of MM starting at ATI he quickly organised a private placement to SE Asian institutions to raise $4.9M.

    3. Clearly MM's greatest strength is in his connections with Asian investors and his ability to raise finance quickly and cheaply. This is why ATI did the deal with MIN.

    4. MM, along with several other ATI directors spent the week leading up to the trading halt in Vietnam finalising the negotiations which lead to the MOU announcement. The negotiations involved discussions with high level Vietnamese govt ministers, all the way up to and possibly including the PM.

    I know that all through 2009 it was Vinacomin which was mentioned as the preferred JVP but for reasons of which we are not aware of at this stage, in the end the deal was done with T-MV. I agree that we need to see some clarification and I would love to know the pecking order of govt corporations in Vietnam but looking at things from a big picture perspective, I can't help but feel reasonably comfortable that ATI will be OK at the end of the day.

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