JAT 0.00% 55.0¢ jatcorp limited

Ann: Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report, page-15

  1. 542 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 67
    The clueless holders still think the current fart is the next potpourri.
    Wilton will be gone. The guy that stopped JAT being an energy company before the energy boom, to becoming a daigou company before the daigou bust. Classic.
    The new Director probably knows as much about powdered milk as Wilton. So the big question is what flavour company are they in a month's time? Missed the update on real estate sales, Vmeat sales, shop pics and all the other dreams.
    1.2 cents within a month. Still a risk there of it being all over.
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Mkt cap ! $45.79M
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55.0¢ 55.0¢ 52.0¢ $77.39K 143.1K

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1 4163 54.0¢

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56.0¢ 15000 1
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Last trade - 15.36pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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