BIT 0.00% 1.0¢ biotron limited

Ann: Quarterly Activities Report, page-20

  1. 1,085 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 375
    You write with distinction, however it wrecks with naivety. Mouse models have been available since Feb 2020, hence gave a years grace.

    The CO had tested over 50 compounds plus 15 new compound developed, so I thinking cost was not a priority, only stringing out the SH's expectations.

    The crystal ball moment no doubt would of been NSW/ VIC lockdown close to 12 months, just saying!

    The question weather BIT-225 had been tested was raised but not answered at AGM 2020 and 2021. Also SH's had email the CO to clarify the issue to no avail.

    Again, BIT-225 data only came to the front, straight after first strike at the AGM. It was astonishing that we had to send our postal votes directly to the CO, not electronic, three weeks before the actual AGM.

    Low and behold Golden Child rolled out after first strike.

    Amazing story that, when you look back over time!

    Rose coloured glasses to the awesome achievements of the CO in the last three years....


    All my opinion.....
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