ZIP 1.64% $2.48 zip co limited..

Be prepared for under $1, page-77

  1. 8,124 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 875
    lots on offer in the US, but if you’re focussed only on the asx, zip would still be my last “punt”. Fundamentals are just too shot to do anything meaningful

    in my honest opinion, ABB when it hits flaw, EML, PBH, PLS, and more recently megaport - all should be on everyone’s watch list for a real bounce, and all have strong fundamentals, proprietary tech or a moat or tangibles (except PBH, who have intangibles and relatively weak fundamentals. In a value market PBH gets hammered but in a growth market it flies - licenses and growth is strong with good in roads - a proper take over target if ever there was one.

    all in my opinion. Do your own research
    Last edited by AlphaX: 02/05/22
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Mkt cap ! $3.329B
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$2.57 $2.63 $2.46 $60.78M 23.95M

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29 221989 $2.47

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$2.48 51947 9
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Last trade - 13.05pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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