Another reason we need an ICAC, page-6

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Due to the secrecy Australians wont know why the $500,000 of taxpayer money had to
    be paid to Ms Miller.

    If its due to some inappropriate conduct towards her in her employment then it would highlight
    the fact that poor conduct in the workplace is not tolerated. That such problems occur in
    our Parliament is a disgrace for which the govt needs to be accountable.

    On the secrecy, that in itself raises alarm bells and eventually all will have to be disclosed.

    Ms Miller apparently wants the details disclosed.

    "Rachelle Miller challenges Scott Morrison to release details of settlement following workplace bullying claims

    Lawyers for Miller say the former Coalition staffer wishes to remove ‘any impediment’ preventing the PM giving a ‘full and truthful account’ of her case

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