Super for first home buyers - massive winner for young, page-48

  1. 84,231 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    every solution for housing is a disaster

    bring in more migrants --------- exacerbate the situation

    stop migrants -- the economy will just wither and die - and, probably have a mother of all housing collapse

    get the mix just right - to slow gradually the housing prices over maybe 20 years - still disaster from the economy not performing and housing will probably collapse

    the game is over -- it's rock and hard place stuff

    we are now at the 'silly plan' stage --------------

    you know the whole thing is stuffed when both parties bring out not only panic - but, plans that are 'destructive' - not constructive

    plans where even primary school kiddies can say -----------------'that's not going to work'

    we have to face facts - no party has any idea how to solve this crisis

    at least - no party has any plan that's politically saleable that can work harmoniously - it's not possible

    the only plans that would work - would scare the bejessus out of Ozzies
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