Mark McGowan, page-207

  1. 8,294 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 864
    Just a few things to ponder on:

    A doctor prescribed some medication for a stomach condition. Interestingly one of the side effects listed for the medication was a possible stomach upset. The doctor was 'qualified'.

    Many years ago, before the get online for everything scenarion, TAFE courses were what some referred to as the so called 'poor man's choice of further education as courses were relatively cheap compared to the more 'upmarket' university courses. TAFE courses re no longer cheap and have suffered massively in terms of quality education delivery but universities whilst massively expensive also have issues. Perhaps the following video explains it with less arrogance:

    Now one sees young people who have trouble with simple mathematics, spelling and comprehension. Convincing people to do things who do not apply critical thinking and who do not know any better is much easier to deal with for those who want absolute control. Do I have qualifications - I may not have pieces of paper plastered all over my walls or the walls of an office but have some pieces lying around somewhere but after seeing the sort of things over a period of time I do prefer to use something I consider highly superior - a God given brain.

    As one dentist said to me, one's natural teeth are far superior to anything that man can substitute - interestingly, the same dentist allegedly having taken doses of Pfizer covid vaccine when quizzed re why, said 'anything is better than nothing'. Not the sort of response one expects from someone with relatively high qualifications with pieces of paper.

    Whilst on qualifications, what sort of medical expertise do politicians and police chiefs have to impose the kind of things people had to endure for the last 2 or so years?? But that's right, they do wear shiny suits and flashy uniforms, have your interests at heart and speak nicely in an attempt to see their way as the only way.

    Perhaps the application of a little more of the old fashioned critical thinking may bode well - and gee, one doesn't need a piece of paper for that but a brain is a prerequisite. There are many articles one reads about being scammed in all manner of things - it pays to be aware.

    Lastly, I've been called worse but will add your name calling to my list of increasing insults - plus by your posting, it shows it made you think. The good part is, there are those who also show appreciation and perhaps are agreeable on at least some of the views expressed or worry about the issues raised as many are rather disturbing. AIMO (perhaps better to omit 'humble'??)
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