Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-87592

  1. 18,420 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 185
    @picastoc - my last message for today - I listened to an amazingly well- and clear-spoken gentleman today on RN, one Retired Admiral Chris Parry - and he did not have a 'Pommy' accent, so probably not the same English Rear Admiral Chris Parry I found on-line just now -

    He talked about the various natural disasters which have happened in Australia in the last 2-3 years in particular, beginning with the Bushfires of 2019-2020 in NSW - and climate change and the more recent floods in Queensland and northern NSW and the many services required to help out, also that we seemed to run out of volunteers.
    He made a great point about being prepared for further and more frequent similar events and eventually talked about the manpower problems.
    He made a strong case for something like army service for young men and women, if they so wished - but less with a military direction, but training in life-sustaining skills etc.

    I think it would be wonderful and I know, when young, I would have been full of enthusiasm for joining such a service, or at least doing some basic training - it could be wonderful for many of the now direction- and jobless youths, looking for training and the skills acquired could be useful in their future professional life, too.

    But being in a democracy would mean that it would need to be voluntary; possibly Judges dealing with youthful criminals could substitue 'community service' with a sentence of 1 year's training in such a service, or similar.
    Go well

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