This God isn’t real…!!?, page-175

  1. 27,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Not really as science was at its foundations back then, they didn't know much just basics and even scientist themselves struggled among themselves, the Church was no different, and had to draw the line from what it knew and venturing into another alien field
    Science was not the foundation. Christian doctrine (CC doctrine) was the foundation including Jesus Christ and the Genesis narrative and the nature of the universe. There was little appetite to stray into alien fields to the extent that came with the reformation.

    Aquinas famously said all truth comes from God, no matter where its found, and that was in the 1300 and is one of the greatest saints so I'll rest my case here
    I suggest that it came to a greater extent with the reformation.
    Yes, I stand by my opinion that the Reformation had negative aspects but is it the cause of the fall of humanity? - if it has indeed fallen. Each generation seems to live with opposing views of living in the best of times - improved medical treatment and life expectancy - and the worst of times - wars, a decrease in the influence of priests... and so on.

    And that also works both ways you seem to focused on the negative of religion (You seem to focus only on the negative.)
    OK, I thought that I have been a strong advocate for the CC - indeed the strongest on this forum. Even @@wotsup seemed to agree - he called me the CC/atheist.
    I had no idea that you regarded what I saw as positive support for the CC in a negative light and I should stop doing so from now on.
    I apologise.

    No there wasn't a great push for science after the reformation, that was a push to take everything from the church teaching and theology and moving it to Protestantism many views
    A push to separate church and state and the types of thinking that allowed science to flourish and possibly even to compete with the CC.

    What protestant has done is taking the ship from the captain and created many captains for little boats adding to confusions we see today especially in governments finding hard to function as there are to many captains exerting their views on it
    Agree. It got worse in the 19th century.

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