Jan 6th Committee Public Hearing Live, page-2001

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    “The Terrorizing of Lady Ruby Was Part of Trump’s Plan”

    And now Cassidy Hutchinson.

    “Among the most chilling testimony of the Jan 6 Committee hearings, alongside images of violent protesters circling the homes of election officials and insurrectionists shattering windows to enter the U.S. Capitol, were the mild words of **riel Sterling, the chief operating officer to Georgia’s Secretary of State. Testifying Tuesday afternoon, Sterling explained that no matter how many times he insisted to Big Lie enthusiasts that there had been no election fraud, tampering, or conspiracy to steal the 2020 contest for Joe Biden, he could not persuade certain people—including family members and lawyers—that the election had taken place without incident. “I would show them things and the problem you have is you are getting in people’s hearts,” he testified. “I remember this one specific attorney that we know that we showed walking through, this wasn’t true, ‘OK, I get that.’ This wasn’t true, ‘OK, I get that.’ This wasn’t. Five or six things. But at the end, he said, ‘I just know in my heart they cheated.’”

    The lessons of every one of the Jan. 6 Committee hearings to date have not been that Trump and a handful of vicious and ends-driven allies cobbled together a bunch of stupid plots to steal a presidential election. These plots were the motive, but not the real crime. The real crime, as the committee has been at pains to show us at every single opportunity, has been their willingness to abuse Twitter, Fox News, public speeches, and every other means of mass communication at their disposal to greenlight the urges of random citizens who feel inclined to riot, to break and enter, to terrorize, harass, to assault police officers, and worse. Retaining power may have been a goal, but the real endgame is the terror.

    There is no other way to process these shattering hearings than as a protracted, lawless, call and response between President Trump and his followers. Take Ruby Freeman, Lady Ruby, whose harrowing taped testimony described what she experienced after Rudy Giuliani named her as involved in a wholly made-up conspiracy to steal the election.

    Giuliani’s call: Trump’s attorney told conservative media that Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss, were “surreptitiously passing around USB ports as if they are vials of heroin or cocaine,” as part of a plot to upload illegal votes for Joe Biden.

    The mob’s response: As summarized here by Noah Y Kim:
    Freeman’s home address was posted on social media platforms, and Trump supporters publicly called for her execution. Strangers camped outside Freeman’s home and ordered pizza for delivery to lure her outside. Photos of Moss’ car and license plate were posted online… One particularly graphic comment underneath a Gateway Pundit article called for the two Black women to be “strung up from the nearest lamppost and set on fire.”

    The stolen election isn’t the crime scene. The vigilantism and the winking encouragement from the highest quarters of the GOP of future violence is the crime scene. That’s the story the Jan. 6 Committee is trying to tell us. The rest of it is just history.

    Full article worth reading.

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