Another nail in coal’s coffin? German steel furnace runs on renewable hydrogen in world first, page-12

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 24

    Oz is Resources Superpower "rocket assisted" by huge world coal prices booming since 2nd half 2021-
    World coal prices are underpinned by China demand which is running at an eye-watering ~4Billion tpA most of which they hope to mine at home. While importing a minor percentage - see chart above.

    But too many China coal mines are getting to depths where wringing out the same production every year becomes an engineering impossibility. See this article.
    Further to Peak Coal for the Chicomsby David Archibald26Nov2021

    All great news for the wide brown land and our State Govts increasing their coal royalties.

    Yet we know coal has trenchant enemies at all levels of Govt, in all political parties, deeply penetrated through the green/left dominated bureaucracies and coal enemies infest multiple QUANGOS and "Clean Energy Orgs". State Govts fund "Environmental Defenders Offices" across Oz who encourage ceaseless LawFare against coal and "oil n gas" and related infrastructure such as pipelines. Adding hugely to project costs and timelines.

    Yet somehow coal continues to be a growing component of our exports as recorded by the RBA.

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