gillard comments on rudd

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    "TONY Abbott's advice to young women about not giving away their virginity lightly would confirm ''the worst fears of Australian women'' about him, Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard says.

    The Government is seeking to use Mr Abbott's remarks on sex, made in an Australian Women's Weekly interview, to try to fan doubts about his views on social questions."

    ref - some article by m gratton

    julia gillard does not have children, so maybe she simply does not understand how a parent feels

    tony abott might comment that "I would say to my daughters, if they were to ask me this question, I would say ... it is the greatest gift that you can give someone, the ultimate gift of giving and don't give it to someone lightly that is what I would say."

    lol - that is what tony abott might comment, but the reality is that the daughters would not ask.

    watso has a son and a daughter. would watso feel proud, that his daughter was the town bike - not likely
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