australia - no vacancies, page-168

  1. 6,746 Posts.
    I like your footnote radwimps
    (Majority rules no matter how uneducated and stupid they might be.)

    Many voters unfortunately seem a bit slow on the uptake
    Theyre busy making ends meet
    An others are just not interested

    The alternative means of government though is pretty nasty
    Despots not answerable to their citizens
    It takes an army with munitions to kick them out
    At least the stupid will eventually kick them out when they wake up and go to a poll

    Maybe labor governments have realized that the voters are getting harder to fool
    That is why European left wing governments are happy giving our democratic power over to an un-elected UN government
    They see it is a good time to make the change
    What with the oldies coming to the end of their lives
    And the young with no idea of the past
    and educated to be more ready for change

    The result
    Left wing UN world government control without the bother of elections and having to answer to citizens for all their failed policies
    That certainly would be a politicians Utopia
    Perpetual world junket trips and visits
    Plane trips end to end reports and meetings

    And no pesky questions from stupid old voters
    No pesky opposition to worry about
    Yeah Finally Utopia

    Only if we let them

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