Tenets of change...lessons for the the LGBT community

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 299
    I am writing this in light of what is about to go down at the Manly Football Club.

    This is NOT a transphobic post as some might try to characterise it but one that points out the flaws in the way the LGBT community is doing business.

    One cannot deny the amount of social change that is going on and as humans we are always suspicious if not scared of change. So there is a basic tenet of change that establishes processes that at the end of the day the outcome is that you bring people with you to eventually accept change not beat them over the head and force change upon them.

    Right now the LGBT community want respect and safety but you have to earn respect not demand it so in that sense they are their own worse enemy and are in danger of wrecking the cause. Change requires time and trust.

    In the end the real issue is about bullying and discrimination, especially in schools, and this needs to be stamped out equally for the fat kid, the kid who wears glasses, the strange looking kid, the nerd as well as the sexually confused kid.

    Forcing the issue and virtue signalling is not real reform nor real change but merely pays lip service to shut people up and as a result there will always be and undercurrent of resentment.

    This will end in tears for all concerned because we will not be able to have full and frank discussions and I am sure now that the players of the Manly Football Club are being called all sorts of things without discussion or consultation.

    One other thing to note is just because you belong to a socially sensitive group fighting for rights and recognition it does not give you a free pass to do what you like when you like so in that sense you you are not above reproach.

    Most people are fine with diversity and most people just want to get on with their lives but if you try to bludgeon your way in the majority will reject the cause.

    This not meant to be a dissertation on the subject just an observation so I expect those who see this as an affront to still see this post in a bad light and not take it in the spirit in which it is written.

    PS For the record I voted in favour on the basis that everyone (adults) is entitled to live their life how they want as long as it is kept private and it doesn't impact my life just like those people wouldn't want me to impact their lives. Judge people for what they do not what they say.

    Last edited by barneyw: 26/07/22
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