This is society breaking down, page-3

  1. 87,188 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "and what are the LWWJ's in charge going to do about it?"

    you mean what are the current Labor government going to do about it?

    well, let's get your wee argumentative bias out of the way first --

    this is Australian society in collapse - this is because the values and attitudes of society are poor, they have rotted away from what was not a good base anyway - that's the simple truth.

    Now - IMO - I do not think that anything can be done about it by any government. The current government IMO will not be able to repair the damage created by the last decade of conservative rule - LET ALONE the demise in values, loss of freedoms etc. from the last half century plus.

    Before I get to a 'maybe there's something that can be done' - let me also cover your 'concerns' -

    "what are labor doing to bring down price of living costs?

    what is labor doing in the economy to bring down interest rates?"

    1. it is difficult for any government to make more than a few changes which will 'bring down price of living costs' - certainly without making radical and probably intrusive political moves - which Aussies would not accept. Governments might have the political capital to do a few things like price freeze some things - that's about the limit.

    2. what governments can do is to assist the people who are in economic stress ----- ie. provide housing, provide education, provide better health.

    3. Interest rates ------- very often - way outside of a tiddler place like Australia.

    So - lets put aside your tiny matters and get to the REAL issue - the breakdown of society by poor values, false beliefs and bad attitudes - like 'I'm alright jack' and 'there's money available - let's fake it and get some' - otherwise known as fraud.

    I've said that IMO - I do not think it's possible to change a deeply enculturated societies attitudes. - however, I might be in a revaluation process on that one - meaning that on the light of new information - I might change my view

    I am hearing stories here in France - and possibly another nation nearby - but, let's stick to France.

    I have heard several times now that what we see here in France - wonderful people, friendly attitudes, ultra helpful, courteous, well mannered people --------------- was not - always so.

    I had an experience the other day at a Post Office - where I had an older friend with me, there to aid me sending a parcel to the USA.

    The staff - as I have had before several times in both the post office side and the banking side - were fantastic - and, I mean - fantastic. Excellent service - which one sees in so many areas here.

    However, my friend - who has been visiting France since about the 1500's - they are that old. Said that, this was a very different experience to many decades ago where the service would have been about the pole opposite of what it is now --

    the friend said that the government had done a huge amount of work to change the attitude of people and businesses to become friendly and helpful - because - it was of the ultimate importance to gain tourist dollars (euros). That the tourism industry is such a big earner for France - that the payoff in better attitudes was massive. (we need to be aware that France is the most visited nation in the world).

    Now - what has happened from that is - that the entire society has changed, the attitudes are wonderful and the society is a glorious thing to be part of ---------------- so - change DOES seem to be possible.

    Unless the stories I am hearing are wrong - then, something can be done about values and attitudes - hence, I might have to rethink one of my long held beliefs.
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