Taiwan....our military dilemma, page-7

  1. 22,361 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    IMO we have a problem with Taiwan & HK for that matter because:
    (a) HK was handed back to China in the late 1990s and as such became
    part of China
    (b) Taiwan since the late 1960s has been recognised as an integral part of China
    and as a member of the UN we voted for that and we still recognise Taiwan as
    part of China.(up to recently Taiwan was a Military Dictatorship)

    Therefore, if China's military, police & judicial system takes over Taiwan
    (like its currently doing with HK) its not an "invasion" but simply normailisin
    Taiwan as an integral part of China.

    If we think that that is unfair, then the proper route to take is:
    (a) Rise a motion in the UN that Taiwan becomes a separate country
    (b) If carried, then support Taiwan in its transition to nationhood.

    We simply cant spruik a "Rules based Order" and then ignore
    International Law & The UN which are integral parts of the
    "Rules Based Order"

    Conversely, if we drop the "Rules Based Order" mantra and
    simply oppose China on the basis of it being a non-Democratic
    Authoritarian regime then we have to support the independence
    movement in HK with military force because HK (like the CCP proposal
    for Taiwan) is being incorporated into China NOW, hook line & sinker.

    Furthermore, if we as a country object to China's non-Democratic/Authoritarian
    system, then we should not be dealing with China in either exports or imports
    and add to that Saudi Arabia & other dictatorships that we trade with.

    Otherwise we're simply hypocrites !

    Last edited by moorookamick: 16/08/22
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