The old climate change, page-59

  1. 9,282 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 512
    Golly billybongo, if NippyMcNipNipster reckons only the Minoans count, then i think we have to acknowledge that Because You Said So.

    he is an authoritative source to himself about the period. Given the anonymity of that funster, it's hard to gauge how far his cred stretches. I suspect he not have any.

    BBMcBB, i've always understood that 50 years after 1177BC was way more interesting than before.

    while i'm talking denier mumbojumbo,, which of course is a synonym for denier abracadabra, i daily ponder how they knew it was BC because C hadn't happened.

    all i can think is this unkempt poorly dressed American who was more than a bit on the nose ie malodorous was roaming the region developing a narrative that went 'hi, I'm son of god, i'm coming back. Tell all your mates. Free piss.'

    i'm getting a sense Minoans were socially flaccid. Temperature rises a paltry 4 degrees and the question then becomes 'what Minoans'. the ability to adapt could determine who survives this current round of manmade global warming

    we have NippyMcNipNipster and his artist confecting fairy tales and comic books to cover the distant period.

    but the Minoans can't lead by example - they've all carked it.

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