IMU 2.70% 3.6¢ imugene limited

Why IMU is a multi multi bagger, page-8526

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 647

    The 4 existing FDA approved CART drugs which can collaborate with Imugene’s OnCARlytics platform. According to most recent Leslie interviews and announcements, preclinical data will be released very soon. IND application by end 2022.

    Can you imagine our potential possibilities and opportunities as stated by Chairman Paul Hopper in the latest Annual Report ?

    kluck is travelling. Any discrepancy , if any, is not intentional. Dyor
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Mkt cap ! $268.4M
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3.7¢ 3.8¢ 3.6¢ $585.8K 15.90M

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72 9432825 3.6¢

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3.7¢ 1615047 6
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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