"skilled migration"....something doesnt gel?, page-63

  1. 16,087 Posts.
    Plenty of local people to do the majority of jobs. It's not a coal face skills shortage, but the procedural floss and dross that is attached to the jobs that is the root problem.

    Far too much emphasis on areas covering paperwork and useless policy documentation. Simple Jack would observe how parasitic and unproductive this nonsense is, merely by observing how impotent the public service is, yet the govts keep legislating PS nonsense on companies via way too much reporting, way too much licencing, way too much focus on e.g. WH&S, quality control, etc statements as opoosed to actual workable instruction manuals.

    We put more value of wank terms used by illiterates like "frameworks", "strategic", "proactve", etc than actual work method and productivity.

    The skills are there, it's the bureaucracy that wraps around them and the poh-faced dragon ladies who run the HR depts that is making the jobs unattractive.

    Put real men back in charge, not the limp wristed little Napoleons who put skin colour and sexual deviance ahead of the game. The West saw it's golden years under the management of men who had seen war first hand and the practicality of survival and daring do. Civilisation itself prospers under strong inclusive leadership, but they all fail when the civil service becomes a self serving policy behemoth more absorbed by feather bedding and exclusivity.
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