Im with you. $300K option to access potential future LNG export pricing for LD gas. This is brilliant. You don't need export license, it is for "domestic" consumption!!
The 20% is an interesting number too. It means NWE is up for 20% of the spend. But they have qualified this by saying they are after the rights to send gas to the plant for on-selling as lng to hungry ships, meaning they may not necessarily be interested in owning any plant.
20% also means no one can move on PCG without NWE being on board. And im pretty sure what NWEs terms will include if there is a buyout in future.
Other key things:
the technology has already been implemented,
the guys that designed/built it are on the case here; and
the market for the end product is robust.
My only worry is the reliance on "renewables" for electricity supply.
NWE Price at posting:
4.8¢ Sentiment: Buy Disclosure: Held