daytrades march 3 morning ...

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Good morning Traders (thanks for the handover highlandlad),

    Wall Street gave up most of its earlier gains but managed to finish the session slightly higher. The DOW's earlier gains were attributed to some upbeat Company news, the February auto sales and signs that Greece will not default on its debt. [Source:]

    The DJIA Index finished the session: Up 2.19 pts; and
    The SPI Futures are currently: Up 24 pts.

    Of Note in Australia Today: Gross Domestic Product (Q4) figures are due out this morning from the ABS; and

    Of Note in the US Tonight: - Both the ADP Employment Report & the EIA Petroleum Status Report are due out in the US this evening which both merit extra attention. [Source Bloomberg]

    Gold is Up $16.50 atm and is currently sitting at $1,134.50/oz (Kitco); Oil is Down $0.98 to $79.68/barrel (NYMEX/Bloomberg); and the AUD/USD is currently trading at 0.9034 cents (Forex. Live).

    Have a great day trading today all!

    Cheers, Tweets (:

    Link to Daytrades March 3 Pre-Market thread

    PS: And a special thanks goes out to Mark (roaminoz) this morning for solving our Link'ing issue; so thanks Mark! (:
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