Can the USA outbuild China's expansion ?, page-75

  1. 22,443 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    I agree with your list of China's weaknesses but that has to be
    balanced against China's strengths which IMO are:
    (1) 1.4 billion population base , most of which have been taken out of poverty during the past generation ( positive momentum)
    (2) a command economy that can quickly react to global financial crises (eg 2008/09)
    (3) world's biggest manufacturer & trader & highly diversified
    (4) a well defined / long term economic plan (BRI & Made in China 2025) (this resembles a mega corporations strategic plan)
    (5) $3.2 Trillion foreign reserves to protect itself against recession, etc.

    We could also look at its Opportunities & Threats and complete the SWOT

    PS: We could list Australia's 5 chief weaknesses but a reasonable person wouldn't consider
    that fair without listing Australia's 5 Cchief strengths and so it is with China, IMO.

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