Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-93130

  1. 60,922 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    Bit of a strange experience I had last night, phone ring showing a phone number I was not familiar with.

    I answer and a woman voice ask if I am (my name), and some what reluctant I say yes. Thoughts of the possibility I was about to find out about another child crossed my mind LOL

    Soon worked out who she was, we meet at a armature theatre group over 30 years ago and use to go out as friends from time to time. Last time I saw her was some 20 years ago and she was married, I have made reference to her here in that she change her name from some thing similar Kozlowski to a more English name and later regretted it when Linda Kozlowski became famous as did other exotic names.

    Anyway she started apologising for how she behaved around me, in particular about a time we spent together in Coral Bay. It was odd as I didn't feel she needed to apologies for any thing and I expressed that.

    Got chatting about what we have been up to and where we are at, turns out she had a messy divorce from a husband that took advantage of her high income. She made a point of telling me the husband had got her to buy one boat then upgrade to a bigger on and then a better one and beats me why she had to mention she lived in a mansion a few time.

    On a few occasions I had to ask if she was OK, at times sounded like she might be in tears. She insisted she was OK, was not suicidal ect. Am thinking she had a few wines and as such a little emotional. As side from that we had a nice chat, she knew about my son and asked about him. She also said I had lovely long eye lashes and if I still had them, didn't know I had long eye lashes what.png

    Not sure what to make of this out of the blue call and not completely convinced she is as OK as she said. She did say we could catch up for a coffee or drink, but some time when people say that they don't mean it.

    Am in two minds about getting in touch with her confused.png
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