q and a on abc, page-83

  1. 3,972 Posts.


    I do not, will not and refuse to tolerate religous government or religous belief. I believe in secular government and am appalled that a paid member of parliament has preached to someone for not respecting a belief. Not repsecting belief system is core of democracy and I refuse point blank to tolerate the intolerable.

    Where some people get real confused is we must respect a person rights to an differing opinion NOT THE OPINION ITSELF. Richard Dawkins attacked a belief system and for that was ATTACKED on a personal level by the Australian Minister for Agriculture My Burke.

    Can you see the diffErence, it really is not hard.

    There is no Law and a politican has no right to DEMAND respect for idiotic belief systems. He has NO RIGHT. IT RUNS COUNTER TO DEMOCRACY.

    Respect for people's right to an opinion is all together different. Burke was self righteous ugly dictator undertaking thought policing on national TV. If we wanted to becoem a preacher then he should ahve doen so but is is being paid ny my taxes to also uphold the rights of non believers in this nation which HE FAILED TO DO.

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