q and a on abc, page-117

  1. 718 Posts.
    This whole thing about God, creation debate is a real mind spinner.

    I can remember my mother {rest her soul} telling me that when I was very small I asked her why is there an earth? Her reply was "because there is".

    Now of course that was not so very helpful to me and seemed to be lacking in some further content.

    So as a grew older and perhaps more inquisitive, I learnt that our tiny earth is actually only one planet amongst a number of other planets in what is known as our solar system.

    WOW ! I thought. So why life here? Well it was explained to me that the earth is just the right distance away from our sun to sustain life with not to frigid and not to hot temperature as to sustain life as we know it. Hmmmmmmm I thought. So why did God create all these other planets, moon etc in our solar system? Good question. Now apart from the moon, which has an affect upon tides and the behavior of some animals it would seem, the planets are quite superfluous it would seem.

    Then I got to understand that our solar system is but one very small part of our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy and that in fact, we are in one of the far flung parts of this galaxy. A bit like Dubbo if Fort Dennison was the centre of the Milky Way and the earth was the size of an ant.......or something like that.

    Then I got to understand that the Milky Way Galaxy is only one small galaxy amongst billions upon billions of other galaxies.

    So what does it all mean? Why would this great creator of the universe do this?

    Perhaps the only answer is; God knows.
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