daytrades march 18 afternoon, page-44

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    2pm - Economic news 'courtesy reminder' time Traders,

    If you are intending on holding your trades overnight, then please be aware of the following Economic news which is due out in the US this evening:-

  2. Consumer Price Index [market moving indicator]

  3. Jobless Claims [merits extra attention]

  4. EIA Natural Gas Report [merits extra attention]

  5. Current Account [The current account measures the United States' international trade balance in goods, services, and unilateral transfers on a quarterly basis. The levels of exports, imports and the current account indicate trends in foreign trade.]

  6. Leading Indicators [The Conference Board's index of leading indicators in January decelerated to a rise of 0.3 percent from robust gains of 1.2 percent in December and 1.1 percent in November. For February, analysts expect only a modest gain.]

  7. Philadelphia Fed Survey [The general business conditions component of the Philadelphia Fed's business outlook survey index in February improved to 17.6 from 15.2 the prior month. The Philly index in the latest month was at its highest since the 26.2 mark set September 2004. Strength is likely to continue in March as the new orders index really accelerated to 22.7 from January's 3.2.]

  8. Fed Balance Sheet [The Fed's balance sheet is a report showing factors supplying reserves into the banking system and factors absorbing (using) reserve funds. Essentially, the balance sheet shows the various Fed programs for injecting liquidity into the economy and how much the Fed has used each for adding or withdrawing reserves. This report is called Factors Affecting Reserve Balances - or the "H.4.1" report using Fed jargon.]

  9. Money Supply [The monetary aggregates are alternative measures of the money supply by degree of liquidity. Changes in the monetary aggregates indicate the thrust of monetary policy as well as the outlook for economic activity and inflationary pressures.]

  10. 3-Month & 6-Month Bill Announcements

  11. 2-Yr, 5-Yr & 7-Yr Note Announcements

  12. Federal Reserve Bank Presidents speak [Federal Reserve Bank presidents of Kansas City, Thomas Hoenig; Richmond, Jeffrey Lacker; and Cleveland, Sandra Pianalto, on panel about the role of banking in local econmic growth at the American Bankers Association conference.]

  13. Elizabeth Duke speaks[Federal Reserve Gov. Elizabeth Duke and FDIC Chair Sheila Bair speak to the American Bankers Association government relations summit in Washington.]

    [Source: Bloomberg &]

    Notation Brief: Please also be aware that it is Quadruple Witching in the US tomorrow

    ... and there is no 'Economic news' of note due to be released in Australia tomorrow!

    ASX Market Watch (widget snapshot)

  14. The DOW Futures are currently Up 5 pts atm (Live).

    ** If this 2pm/mid-afternoon 'courtesy reminder' of upcoming Economic news is of use to you, then please feel free to give this post a thumbs up, or vice versa! **
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