SSN 0.00% 1.5¢ samson oil & gas limited

good start amex, page-5

  1. 4,409 Posts.
    Sorry not sure about AMEX

    But from Future Source and Bloomberg Natural Gas dived
    BRENT CRUDE FUTR (USD/bbl.) 81.450 -0.510 -0.62 16:43
    GAS OIL FUT (ICE) (USD/MT) 675.000 -0.750 -0.11 16:43
    GASOLINE RBOB FUT (USd/gal.) 230.300 -0.670 -0.29 16:39
    HEATING OIL FUTR (USd/gal.) 211.800 -2.150 -1.00 16:43
    NATURAL GAS FUTR (USD/MMBtu) 4.088 -0.215 -5.00 16:44
    WTI CRUDE FUTURE (USD/bbl.) 82.140 -0.790 -0.95 16:44

    Future Source
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