Russia Ukraine war, page-79315

  1. 7,554 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    On Przewodow, interesting to look back and see what was being said soon after the incident. Some of the same who talk about Russian disinformation. Apologies, but the gaslighting needs to wind down a little.
    Potgut: Visegrad 24 [twitter]
    2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles.
    Polish PM Morawiecki & President Duda have summoned a crisis meeting of the National Security Bureau.
    NATO article 5?

    I’d say Poland will respond either by supplying more arms to Ukraine or a direct attack on Russian military assets in the Black Sea.
    Crom Valen: Thomas C. Theiner [twitter]
    Poland has a RAT-31DL radar at Łabunie, which is tied into NATO's Integrated Air Defense. RAT-31DL has a range of 500km.
    Łabunie is 40 km from Przewodów, where the missiles exploded.
    NATO/Poland know EXACTLY where those missile came from and both say they were fired by russia.

    Crom Valen:
    It’s obvious isn’t it. And it will keep happening. Russia hopes to set the Western allies to bickering and fighting amongst each other, and European populations marching in the streets and protesting against the US, against Ukraine, against NATO, and against there own governments. False flag attacks and ‘provocations’ are the only way they can really do this, because the Europeans have been bearing the economic costs of supporting Ukraine and sanctioning Russia.
    Anyone who says ‘Russia has no reason to do this’ is being disingenuous, because I just stated the clear and obvious reason above. Smear Ukraine, smear NATO, smear the US - and hopefully get them bickering with Poland. They’d be hoping Polish people start protesting in the streets against Ukraine, against the US, against NATO.
    These incidents will not stop. This Russian propaganda and disinformation campaign will continue and intensify. Bots and ‘useful idiots’ will spread Kremlin messaging around each incident and will spread fake news and conspiracy theories.

    Crom Valen:

    So predictable…. [then MFA Russia twitter]
    Polish mass media & officials commit deliberate provocation to escalate situation with their statement on alleged impact of "Russian" rockets at Przewodów. Russian hardware has launched NO strikes at the area.

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