NXS 18.2% 13.0¢ next science limited

nxs appoints new ceo, page-11

  1. 700 Posts.
    Hi Lengming,

    I was as much impressed with the coy line that RC's remuneration package is primarily performance based. That can only be good for SP and SHs.

    RC has "got the talking part done". Let us see some action to drive SP where we all know it could go. I had originally set a target price of 80c until GFC when I reset TP to .60c tops. With RC on board I am looking at a substantial rethink upwards. My time frame was always flexible on a mid to long term. Anything sooner being a welcome bonus.

    Cheers all and good luck with instos coming on board.

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11.0¢ 13.0¢ 11.0¢ $12.05K 104.3K

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2 17000 12.0¢

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13.0¢ 8500 1
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Last trade - 15.57pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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