perfect storm today:, page-3

  1. 347 Posts.
    I agree verytricky - my 2c
    I was in China for a year about 4 years ago.
    Most seem to think that China is a given. My impression was that there was major over employment with many inefficiencies. In the bigger stores there would be 3 people doing one persons job. The building and construction was mind blowing and was everywhere though I noticed that some buildings were not finished and I was told many new buildings were not occupied.
    They do have a population boom happenning going from roughly 1.3 to 1.8 billion. I found the one child policy a bit of a myth - it does exist but most people in the cities just pay a fine, the country people don't worry about it. The population increase could support the "stronger for longer" but my impressions pre GFC was that there would be major upheavals coming.
    I thought then that the low Yuan was propping it all up.
    Personally I think it is a bit of a stretch that a country can go from an export driven economy to internal consumption that quickly - I feel it is stimulus driven at the moment.
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