moore: serious film maker or socialist weasel?, page-28

  1. 107 Posts.
    "HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam Communist Vietnam marked the 35th anniversary of the end of its war

    Friday's speeches were sprinkled with timeworn communist slogans and many quotes from Ho Chi Minh, including perhaps his most famous, which was invoked by Le Thanh Hai, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Party chief:

    "There is nothing more precious than independence and freedom."

    and then ... (can you believe the communists say this with a straight face, Rudd would be proud of that effort)

    "The Communist Party tightly controls the domestic media, and security officers prevented foreign journalists from conducting interviews along the parade route."

    This is what the left calls freedoms !! LOL ...

    And what some of what M Moore has to say about the Vietnam war... as expected from Moore...

    "Lest we forget, the Vietnam War represented a mass slaughter by the United States government on a scale that sought to rival our genocide of the Native Americans. The U.S. Armed Forces killed more than two million civilians in Vietnam (and perhaps another million in Laos and Cambodia). The Vietnamese had done nothing to us. They had not bombed or invaded or even sought to murder a single American. President Johnson and the Pentagon lied to Congress in order to get a vote passed to put the war in full gear. Only two senators had the guts to vote "no."

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